Web3 Rabbit Hole Roundup // Week 1: First Impressions

2 min readDec 19, 2021
Web3 "art" by The Daoist

Valuable (beginner) lessons learned over the past week:

- I’m getting old

- Most people still think blockchain = cryptocurrency/dogecoin/etc. Oh boy… don’t get left behind…

- For publishers/authors, mirror is the Medium/Substack/ConvertKit of Web3, but they play nicely together: https://mirror.xyz

- Everyone needs MetaMask, Brave, or similar to participate in Web3. It’s kind of the new browser/digital ID: https://metamask.io | https://brave.com

- DAOs (Decentralized Autonomous Organizations) which organize independent professionals will compete with entrenched, trillion-dollar market cap players AND provide all the benefits of a traditional employer without the subjective politics. No permission necessary: https://lnkd.in/gaHgpkQz

*Note: I set up a test DAO w/ a few buddies to explore DAO architecture and governance in practice. DM me if interested in playing in this new space.

- NFTs are easy to create, but it’s all about brand-building and community development (even this early): https://lnkd.in/gAjfp47S | https://lnkd.in/ggRATvNS | https://lnkd.in/gKDAJ7U2

- Mining crypto is no longer (immediately) profitable without specialized equipment (and solar/wind) but setting up a mining rig is a valuable experience everyone should attempt: https://lnkd.in/gsKtsigh | https://lnkd.in/g_3_hS_X | https://lnkd.in/ghppWwJs

- I’m back on Twitter after deleting an account w/ 2k followers in 2012. Apparently, Blockworks makes all employees sign up (for good reason): It’s the newswire/LinkedIn of blockchain: https://lnkd.in/gwdnNFyH (“no sh*t” says every genz that sees this)

- I minted a few Web3 domains (one-time payment for life). These are NFTs that can also be sold on opensea: https://lnkd.in/g2u6nCyu Tip: register yourname.wallet while you still can. I just minted barrontrump.wallet — for funzies. Also tried #kengriffin.wallet — no dice.🤷🏻‍♂️

- Social Media is being revolutionized as we speak. Decentralized, it may just achieve the promise of social media before irresponsible optimization for engagement ruined it all. One of many niche communities (not social networks): https://www.fwb.help

Rabbit Hole Roundup is a quick & dirty listicle-esque series. It highlights places landed/things discovered along my path to/into Web3. Ready for week 2? Continue here: https://thedaoist.io/web3-rabbit-hole-roundup-week-1-7e753b08943b



I believe that The DAO is the way — that Decentralized Autonomous Organizations may just save the world. This is my journey: https://linktr.ee/jakenelson